Crowd Funding Software

Crowdfunding Software Development Solution

By investing a small amount of money in crowdfunding software development, you can support your company while reducing the risk of failure and significant damage.

“The practice of funding a project or venture by raising many small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically via the Internet,” is how crowdfunding is defined. “It is a relatively new phenomenon and a rapidly expanding industry that is revolutionizing the way that new ventures receive funding.

Our Features

Robust Platform

We create crowd funding websites with multi-layer platform counter-hacks that are dependable and safe.

Admin dashboard

We create Admin Panel Dashboards that are user-friendly, full of useful features, and easy to use.

Real Time Progress bar

The percentage of the project's total funding raised is shown by this bar, which supports real-time funding progress.

Payment Gateway

Because crowdfunding is primarily concerned with handling money, PayPal Adaptive Payments method is used to ensure safe transactions.

Social Media Integration

To assure the maximum amount is raised, the social media is integrated in crowdfunding platform to let crowd know about the projects

In -built Search Module

It facilitates finding projects using various criteria, such as classification, funding status, date of launch, etc.

Mobile Optimized

These days, web traffic is easier to distinguish. In order to look great on all platforms, the campaign pages have been carefully designed.

Post unlimited projects

A project creator may publish a series of projects to solicit donations from the public.

Private Messaging System

Secured Private Messaging System that lets backers connect privately with project creators.